Privacy Policy

Tokunaga Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), as a personal information handling business operator, recognizes the importance of personal information. All employees are committed to the appropriate handling and protection of personal information in accordance with the following measures.

Policy on Personal Information Protection

Our company respects and strictly adheres to laws and social norms related to personal information protection, and endeavors to handle and protect personal information appropriately.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal information refers to information that can identify a specific individual by one or a combination of name, date of birth, phone number, email address, address, and other information, including information containing personal identification codes.

Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

  1. Our company acquires personal information through appropriate means and handles it within the scope specified in "Purposes for Using Personal Information" below, after clearly stating or notifying the purpose of use. Also, when providing or disclosing acquired personal information to third parties, we do so according to legally established procedures.

Purposes for Using Personal Information

  1. Our company uses provided personal information within the necessary scope to achieve the following purposes:
    • Execution of contracts and provision of information and services related to brokerage and agency transactions in real estate sales and rentals.
    • Execution of contracts and continuation of services in real estate management.
    • Execution of contracts and provision of information and services related to real estate-related insurance.
    • Introduction of information and services deemed beneficial to customers.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. Our company may provide the personal information provided to us to third parties within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes listed in "Purposes for Using Personal Information." These third parties include:
    • Parties to a contract and their potential customers.
    • Other real estate transaction businesses related to the contract and its potential customers.
    • Internet advertising businesses for real estate information, real estate business associations.
    • Designated distribution organizations (for real estate information registration, transaction completion notifications).
    • Judicial scriveners and land and house surveyors involved in registration, etc.
    • Financial institutions, insurance companies, etc., involved in financing, etc.
    • Lawyers, tax accountants, and accountants involved in legal, tax, and accounting matters.
    • Renovation companies, cleaning companies, security companies, housing equipment companies, etc., involved in real estate management.
    • Credit information agencies, real estate survey agencies, etc.
  2. When providing personal information to third parties, we will limit it to the minimum necessary items and ensure safe management in the handover process.
  3. If there is a request according to the Personal Information Protection Law from the person, we will promptly stop providing it to third parties.
  4. Personal information held by our company may be provided to third parties without the consent of the individual in the following cases:
    • If it is based on the provisions of the law.
    • If it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent.
    • If it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the healthy upbringing of children, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent.
    • If it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local public entity, or an individual or business commissioned by them in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and obtaining the person's consent might impede the execution of those affairs.

Safety Management Measures for Personal Information

  1. Our company properly and carefully manages the personal information we hold, taking necessary and appropriate safety measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, leakage, etc., of personal information.
  2. If there is a leak, loss, or damage of personal information we handle, we will report it to the appropriate authorities based on the law.
  3. In the case mentioned above, our company will notify the individual concerned about the leak or other such incidents, based on the law.

Delegation of Personal Information Handling

Our company may outsource the handling of personal information we hold. In such cases, we select entities that take sufficient measures to protect personal information and provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the outsourced party.

Handling of Specific Personal Information

Our company does not receive customers' personal numbers (My Number) defined in the "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures," except as required by law. If documents containing personal numbers (My Number) are submitted to our company, customers are required to take measures to make them unreadable, except as required by law.

Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information

  1. For requests to disclose personal information held by our company, we will promptly respond within a reasonable scope after verifying that the requester is the individual or an agent authorized by the individual. Please contact the following inquiry address.
  2. If you wish to stop the use, delete, or stop providing personal information to third parties, please contact the following inquiry address. However, as a result of stopping the use, deleting, or stopping the provision to third parties, you may not be able to receive services related to the performance of contracts in real estate sales, brokerage, rentals, management, etc.

Tokunaga Real Estate Co.,Ltd.


Tokunaga Bldg., 82 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa

Handling of Cookies and Related Personal Information

Our company may use information collected through cookies to analyze the usage of our website, improve the website's performance, and enhance and improve the services we provide.

Handling of Personal Information on Linked Websites

Our website contains links to other companies' websites. Our company is not responsible for privacy protection on these linked websites, including their use of cookies.

Revision and Modification of the Basic Policy

Our company's privacy policy is subject to change as necessary due to the enactment, amendment, or repeal of laws, or changes in circumstances.