Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd 5F

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd

Apartment for Sale

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd 5F

1 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom / 54.57㎡

8,800,000 JPY

Minami-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa

Bus stop "Mutsukawa 4" walking distance 3 min.

A large 1-bedroom apartment located on the top floor at the southeast corner, with plenty of sunlight streaming through the large southeast-facing windows. Customize this space to your liking with a renovation. It has ample bus routes providing direct access to Yokohama Station and Totsuka Station.

Property Pictures

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 1

1/15 Floor plan: Spacious 1LDK over 50 square meters.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 2

2/15 Building exterior

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 3

3/15 LDK: Convenient L-shaped layout.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 4

4/15 Bright and open space with many windows.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 5

5/15 Stylish as is, but renovation offers endless possibilities.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 6

6/15 Bathroom: Well-maintained and clean.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 7

7/15 Shower faucet and vanity with three-way mirror.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 8

8/15 Toilet

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 9


Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 10

10/15 Bedroom: Bright with dual-aspect windows and a large wall-to-wall closet.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 11

11/15 Entrance: Includes a shoe cabinet.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 12

12/15 View from the balcony: Unobstructed and open.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 13

13/15 Lush green entrance to the building.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 14

14/15 Secure auto-lock system and a few delivery boxes.

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture 15

15/15 Building sign

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture - thumbnail 1
Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture - thumbnail 2
Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture - thumbnail 3
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Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd No.501's picture - thumbnail 15

Property Details

Property Name
Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd 5F
Property Type
Apartment for Sale
8,800,000 JPY
Land Rights
Floor Plan

1 Bedroom / 1 Bathroom


54.57㎡ (587.386 sq.ft.)

Other Size: Balcony 5.35㎡

5th floor
RC (reinforced concrete) 5 Story
Completion date
1985 - July(Built 39 years ago)
4-1230-41 Mutsukawa, Minami-ku, Yokohama, KanagawaMAP
Access to
  • Bus stop "Mutsukawa 4" walking distance 3 min.
Management Fee
14,730 JPY / Month
Repairing Fund
16,150 JPY / Month
Management Union

Public water / Public sewage / City gas / Bicycle parking


Located on a high ground / Quiet residential area / Within 3 minutes walk from the bus stop

Parking Space


Transaction Type
  • No pets allowed
  • no elevator
  • major renovation completed in July 2009
  • exempt from contract non-conformity.

Around The Property

Property Area Map

Map Image Nearby Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd View on Google Map

About the area near " Station"

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd 5F

Inquire About This Property

Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd 5F
Lions Mansion Mutsukawa 3rd 5F

When you call this number, a staff member specializing in English will assist you.


  • In the event of any discrepancy between the summary on this site and the actual conditions, the actual conditions will take precedence.
  • Availability of parking spaces is subject to change. Please inquire for up-to-date information.
  • Distances to surrounding facilities are indicated as straight-line distances from the property, which may differ from actual walking distances.
  • The school district information provided is based on administrative data and does not guarantee assignment to the mentioned district. For the latest information on elementary school districts, please contact the local authorities directly.